F17 Academy - Free Class
December school holiday Football programs & activities for Kids
To celebrate, we’d like to give, as promised a FREE Session from our coming holiday program.
FREE (Usual Price $50)
The Holidays are here.
As parents, this maybe this period can be the most fun and the most tiring.
The highs of traveling with family, enjoying the festive periods and presents or simply spending time with the kids on one hand,
Trying to get the kids going somewhere, trying to keep them away from too much screen time or simply just figuring out what to let them do (since there isn’t any school for a month) on the other.
If you can identify with any of the challenges, then we may have just the thing to help.
Just for the holidays we would like to give you a session from our coming holiday program for FREE (usual price $50).
No strings attached. If BOTH you and your kid like the session, you can sign up for the programs after your FREE session.
If not, just enjoy the day out while you watch them having fun, from the stands.
We allow only 12 kids per age group so hurry and reserve your slot now.
What is this December School Holiday Football Program for kids?
This program is what happens when our best coaches takes two of our best classes and infuses them with many fun elements.
Be rest assured, it will not be all fun and games.
To us, Football is a teaching tool and the lessons are numerous. While there are elements of learning what it takes to be good at football, at F17 we believe in teaching and developing the right traits that prepare kids for life.
Here are some areas that you can expect your kids to develop in:
Body: Physical Development, Outdoor activities, Away time from screens
Mind: Focus, Critical Thinking, Decision making under constrains,
Heart: Determination, Respect, Sportsmanship
Character: Integrity, Teamwork
What is F17?
F17 is a Children and Youth Football Academy. We believe in a development first approach and allow our players to learn through Guided Discovery.
Why F17?
12 Fully Certified, Full-time Coaches take your children on a journey through Football to discover their valuable innate qualities. We help children learn and embody stellar qualities for an ever-changing world. Qualities such as, Leadership, Creative Problem-solving, Respect, Teamwork and Communication, among others are taught & explored in our programme.
We achieve all this by using a fun yet challenging and safe environment to help your kids learn and embody these valuable characteristics both on and off the field.
Starting this year, we have partnered with Wolverhampton Wanderers to take our programs up another level.
What is the teaching style of F17?
We are firm believers of the Guided Discovery method. This method first calls on coaches to first demonstrate a technique and then pose challenges for players to solve allowing for learning through experience and exploration.
What are the retail prices of the program?
Each lesson costs $50. We have created 9, 6 & 3 class packages saving you up to $190 (for the 9-class package) if you sign up.
What if I already have holiday plans?
The best part about this program? Flexibility. You pick and choose the classes you want to attend, at the timings you want to attend, ensuring zero conflict with already existing December holiday plans.
Is it safe?
Safety is at the forefront of what we do at F17. All the classes are conducted by licensed and certified coaches who are trained in first aid. We also have indoor ball mastery classes if you prefer an indoor less contact experience
Is it suitable for girls?
Yes. This program is suitable for girls. They can choose to play with the other girls and boys at our existing sessions or choose our lesson contact less sunlight indoor ball mastery sessions.