Terms & Conditions



  • All new signups are required to purchase F17 Starter Kit for $200.

    • The starter kit includes:

      • F17 Koach App Annual Subscription - $100

      • Yearly Insurance Coverage -$25

      • F17 Kit worth $75 (Jersey $50, Shorts $15 and Socks $10)

  • All members are required to pay training fees to remain as members. 

  • Packages available are: Monthly or 3 months or 6 months

  • Package options (3 month or 6 month) must be used in consecutive months (eg. if first month is February, package will expire end April)

  • Monthly package renewal can be paused for new months, but not mid month. However a flat rate of $100 deposit is required during the paused month(s), which will be offset from the next package renewed. (eg. taking a break in June for holidays, $100 payment to be made by 15th May. Upon returning and renewing for July, $100 will be deducted from the total fees due)

  • Fees must be paid by the 15th of previous month (no payment, no play).

  • Payments made are NON-REFUNDABLE

  • Packages are NON-TRANSFERRABLE 

  • Yearly insurance coverage (YIC)
    - All members are required to renew insurance in Term 1 of every year. The YIC will be billed together with your training fees upon registration, and subsequently in January of every year.


  • Fees must be paid by the 15th of previous month (no payment, no play).

  • Mode of Payment – Bank Transfer or PayNow. (We are working on auto-recurring payment methods via credit card)


  • Training Fee: F-17 reserves the right to refuse any member to attend training until full settlement is made.

  • League Fee: F-17 reserves the right to bench any member until full settlement is made.

  • Tournament Fee: F-17 reserves the right to cancel participation of any member until full settlement is made.


  • There will be no make-up sessions or sessions carried forward to the following month. Flexibility of 1x a week, 2x a week or 3x a week on monthly, quarterly or bi-annual subscriptions allow for ample planning and package selection.

  • All unutilized session(s) will be forfeited.


  • All training will take place as scheduled.

  • All players to arrive in trainers and bring boots along. 

  • Session will not be cancelled due to lightning alerts. We will proceed to work on our Wet Weather Program in the stands (SUTD).

Poor Weather Conditions

  • Our Wet Weather Program will continue to take place in the stands

Lightning Alert

  • When lightning alert is in effect, all field training will cease for safety reasons and within nationwide policy. The lighting warning alert will depend on the policy of the venue. 

  • If a lightning alert comes on during a training  session, the players will proceed to work on our Wet Weather Program in the stands (SUTD)

  • If lightning alert is in effect before session commences, the coaches proceed to work on our Wet Weather Program in the stands (SUTD). The session is then deemed valid and irreplaceable. 


  • PSI levels are closely monitored on NEA website.

  • If the PSI reading provided by NEA is above 150, the training will be suspended and decision point will be made on the ground, to move indoors etc.

  • The reading will be based on the hour when training starts. For example, if our training is at 5.00pm, we will base the PSI on the 5pm reading. Training status will be updated on our Facebook Page if training is cancelled.


  • Any circumstance beyond the control of a party, which  delays, interrupts or prevents the event/activity, shall be deemed to  be an event of “Force Majeure”. Such circumstances shall include but are  not limited to breach of the peace, epidemic, flood, fire, explosion,  rain, lightning, storm, sabotage, power failure not due to either  party’s fault, act of God, strike, picketing, lock-out and act of  government authority. Should the event have to be cancelled due to an  event of Force Majeure, F17 Football Academy shall not be in default and  members shall not be entitled to any refund, compensation, damages or  any other recourse against F17 Football Academy.


  • For all injuries sustained during F17 training or Match Days, members will be allowed to claim up to $450 in reimbursements, subject to a $50 excess to be borne by the member, for medical fees. For example, for a medical claim of $500, the member will pay $50 and the remaining $450 will be borne by the insurance company.

  • For the claim to be successful, the member must report the injury to the academy immediately, and seek medical attention within 24 hours of sustaining the injury.


  • The Academy shall not be responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of any personal belongings of players at our training centers or any other venues where matches are held. Players are solely responsible for their personal items and should take necessary precautions to safeguard their belongings.

  • By participating in activities at the Academy or its affiliated venues, players acknowledge and agree that they waive any claims against the Academy for any loss or damage to personal property.


  • If a member is unfit for training due to injury or a medical condition, a doctor’s letter must be produced. The academy reserves the right to allow the member to attend the remaining sessions upon his recovery.


  • There will be no training conducted across all centres on designated Public Holidays, https://www.mom.gov.sg/employment-practices/public-holidays


  • If your child is absent from training for 3 consecutive months without any notification, he/she is deemed to have withdrawn from F17 and his/her slot will be forfeited. If he/she wishes to re-join, an administrative fee of S$50 is applicable.

F17 Football Academy Singapore reserves the right to edit and amend its Policy as and when it deems fit.

F17 Football Academy Singapore reserves the right to accept, reject or terminate any person from its programme.